People may not know what a BIG opportunity and deal this is and is to me so I am going to explain a bit. Leo has been someone I have been watching for 20 years or so now. I watched him as a kid learning about technology and computers and EVERYTHING tech...sheesh he was the only one doing it back then most likely and I mean literally! Nobody was into like they are today believe me! Now technology is a part of our everyday lives, but back then most didn't care. Computers were not heavily used and there were NO iPhones, selfies thank god, iPad, computers in every high school and every home and every place of business. He was and still is a guru of EVERYTHING technology....super brilliant guy and beyond well respected by the tech world. So to get an opportunity to have him ask me personally to be on his show and fill some BIG shoes of his photographer who has been there for 6 years or so I believe. I was explained by someone from the studio that he didn't know what to tell me as far as advice because it is literally the first time in the history of the show Leo has asked someone to be a guest photographer let alone in this cool is that! How this happened so people know is right place at the right time. I was watching the show like I do many weekends while around my studio doing computer work, etc. and listening and learning and in his IRC chat where people go and interact with the show live. It is a question and answer based show so many call in with issues and he helps them through it and the IRC chat (Internet Relay Chat) is a major part of this. People are in the chat room from ALL ends of the tech world and help with these answers and interact and are a vital part of the show. So I would go to this chat and my handle is AtortALOHA so would represent Hawaii and be a photographer go to if anything photography was asked and I could ping in from the chat room. I would talk with Leo about the Sony a7rII for example since we both own them and shoot with them. I would then share images for him I just shot with that camera and and we would go back and forth like that keeping the communication going. SO...last weekend while watching his regular photographer Chris Marquardt from Tips From the Top Floor podcast he said he was going to be away on vacation for 3 weeks. I thought to myself....hmmmm....then typed in the chat "Hey Leo!!!! I can help out and be the guest photographer!!!" Without hesitation Leo responded "YOU GOT IT ATORT you're on for the next 3 weeks!" What?!?!?! Cool!!! ? So talk about being in the right place at the right time huh?!?! That's how life is....ALL about timing always and I mean always!!! Just wild how it unfolded...SO organically and as it was supposed to happen I guess. Super unexpected such as life again right! When you never expect it IT happens believe me! So with this I say always trust the flow of the Universe...always! Even at the darkest times trust it's happening for a reason even if YOU don't understand why. Hard I know believe me!
I didn't take this opportunity lightly either believe me. I prepared as best as I could with everything I have going on with balancing my time with my Mom, barely paying my know....ALL that fun life stuff! ? First thing I needed to sort was having a hard wired internet connection from what their studio team informed me. So I am renting a studio here on the North Shore now and am on the landlords wifi which is fine normally, but since demanding bandwidth for the Skype video and audio call I needed to be off wifi and hard wired as I mentioned. I needed a long cable too! So I researched what ethernet cat 5 cable lengths there were and realized I would need either a 50 foot or 100 foot cable to run out a window from one house into my studio. My friend on island who works in IT for the University and just ran into for the first time in a long time at the Eddie Aikau surf contest recently hooked me up with again wild to see him helping me perfectly with this and needing his help right after we reconnected again. Crazy this life is! Picked up the cable he was kind enough to make and get to me for no payment and run perfectly out their window into my studio and worked perfectly! So next step was to set up a test Skype call with the networks studio manager which I did. We tested the call and talked story about him and his wife getting married here on beautiful Oahu and hit it off straight away since his opening comment was something like he’s jealous of my life. I said something to the effect of paradise comes from within and always ups and downs even in a Hawaiian paradise so enjoy Cali and come visit anytime if you want. I could also tell Hawaii touched him in a DEEP way and was longing to get back. So as of now I have ran into my friend for the first time in years who helped me with the cable….studio manager loves Hawaii and got married here…was at the right place at the right time too for being in the chat logged in and ready on the show his photographer was going to be gone and felt good enough to even throw that out there! When he said yes or if he was to say YES that means I have to perform and rise to the occasion!
So this is what I have been doing for the past week….preparing and making sure Leo knew I was at least attempting to be as truly prepared as I could never having done this before not looking completely amateur style. Hopefully he saw that some love and energy went into this which it did. And yes I was nervous! Leo is beyond pro and is amazing at what he does. He’s without hesitation and fluid and great personality on air and as pro as they come….me I was not loosened up as my body language shows when I actually watched so know for next week to loosen up and have fun and be myself, but easier said that done at times when annoying dumb nerves get in the way. I can’t believe I looked the way I did, but then again always hard to hear or watch yourself…it’s not easy to do. Next weeks goal is to be myself a bit more and have fun with this 110% doing what I do best and talking photography which I know like the back of my hand. I did buy a plant and clean up as well as I could too and got a table and some nice fun colorful fabrics to use for my photo gear and props such as my water housing and iPhone water housing, lens and such. So I was thinking this through. I would Skype call my friends and compose my composition a bit moving stuff around and even got as crazy as blowing a fan on the fabric to simulate a little breeze. ?
People always hearing the backstory to things whether they’re images or life events such as this so am sharing to give people a glimpse into how much energy goes into things that may occur to be “simple”. Nothing is simple or easy in this world remember that. Anything done well takes gobs of energy!
Check out the podcast by clicking the image below and give me some feedback and also tune into the show the next couple weeks if you want to see this and me's a great educational and fun show too and have learned a ton of what I know about technology from this guy so gets my stamp of approval that's for sure with or without me on!