"Rainbow Shave Ice Sunset"
"Rainbow Shave Ice Sunset". The Universe is always listening...it's just a matter of YOU asking and tuning in to receive. On the way to shoot this location I had to cross some razor sharp reef...the kind that literally will cut you if your skin touches it slightly the wrong way! Of course in Hawaii I was wearing slippers, but since Winter here did have my black sexy socks on with them. Yes appreciate that visual! :) As I was walking out with my friend my slipper busted...which wasn't good! I attempted to walk and carry my damaged slipper and just have my sock to protect my foot from the sharp reef but wasn't cutting it...pun intended? :) But Sunset was approaching so walked slowly and said out loud to my friend that maybe we will find a slipper. Mind you out in the middle of a reef that not many access. Within a minute of me saying this out loud my friend who was ahead of me asked...."Was it your left foot?" and then threw a slipper at me! It was my left slipper that broke AND it was my size!!! So the Universe not only listened, but reminded us of the beauty that IS our magical Universe. Aloha